To 2-year-old: "You do not need a spoon for steak and potato chips!"
To 2-year-old: "You don't have to stab your potato can eat those with your hands..."
To 2-year-old, asking me for a toy while I was changing her diaper: "I'll give it back when I'm done with your poop."
To-2-year hold:
"Stop poking my bra."
Talking to 4-year old about dinner:
"I like these fries. They're wrinkle fries."
Talking to my husband about the grocery store not having tartar sauce:
Me: "They must have a hard time selling tartar sauce."
My husband: "Nobody eats fish around here."
4-year-old: "Kitties eat fish! And bears!"
Me: "Well...yes, but they don't use tartar sauce."
To 4-year-old, who was sitting on my pillow: "Pillows are not for butts or feet."
To 2-year-old: "You cannot live on waffles alone."
To 2-year-old: "You can't wear your diaper over your pants."
To 2-year-old: "Stop sucking on my chair... And don't bite it! What is wrong with you?!"
My husband to our 2-year-old: "Your pathetic cries for waffles will go unanswered."
To 2-year-old: "Don't suck on the dolly's foot."
To 2-year-old: "You can't go wash your hands, you have a meatball in your hand!"
Me, to my husband: "Did I take my lunch time pills?"
4-year-old: "I took my lunch time pills."
Me: "You don't have any lunch time pills."
To 2-year-old: "Quit snorting on my chair!"
Dilana, to my husband: "You have hairy feet, Daddy."
My husband: "Yes, I have hairy feet."
2-year-old, holding up her foot and looking at it: "I want hair feet!"
Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.
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