Monday, September 5, 2011

You Can't Just Wipe Anywhere, You Have to Wipe the Butt Hole

My 4-year-old and I were talking about space and my 1-year-old says, "I want space! Now!"
Me too, kid. Me too.

To 1-year-old, trying to get out of putting a diaper on: "You can't go commando when you still poop in your pants."

To 1-year-old: "Don't bounce your peach, eat it!"

Talking to 1-year-old:
"Are you done with your peach? You're to the pit."
"I eat it."
"You cannot eat the pit..."

To 4-year-old: "You can't just wipe anywhere, you have to wipe the butt hole."

"I'm a princess!"
"You're a princess because you're wearing princess panties?"

To 4-year-old: "Pants are not optional."

1-year-old, pointing at a peach: "Butt. Orange."
She gets her sentences backwards, lol. I suppose she's right, though, a peach does kind of look like a butt LOL.

To 4-year-old, while in the tub with her little sister: "Don't make your sister eat the bubbles."

To 1-year-old: "Just because your sister tells you to do something doesn't mean it's a good idea."

Talking to 4-year-old about her little sister:
"Be nice."
"But it's not her birthday."
"Her birthday is not the only day you have to be nice to her!"

4-year-old: "When I grow up, I want to pay the bill when we go someplace."
Me: "That's fine with me!"
My husband: "We'll remember that!"

"Is this Adia's zucchini?

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