Thursday, December 15, 2011

Preschool Play

Dilana's preschool put on a play this morning. They did 'The Gingerbread Man.' It was very cute. :) Dilana is the one in the bright pink shirt with the bright green band on her chef's hat. She's also the one that, at about 3:41 of the first video, says, "I can see my mommy!" LOL. <3

You can find more videos on my YouTube channel.

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Quit Playing with the Trash Can

"I'm tired so, I need some olives."
"What does being tired have to do with olives?"
*blushes* "Oh, I meant hungry."

To 2-year-old who took her diaper off while playing 'parade.': "Excuse me, you can't march in a parade with a naked tushie."

To 2-year-old: "No hammers in bed."

To 4-year-old: "You're the only person I know that's ticklish on their face."

About 2-year-old dressed up for Halloween: "Cinderella pooped her pants."

To 2-year-old: "Just because you are mad doesn't mean you can move furniture around!"

To 2-year-old:
*Sniff* "Did you poop?"
"No, Papa."
"Don't be blaming your smell on Papa, he's not even here!"

*My husband farts*
4-year-old: *giggle* "It sounds like a musical instrument!"

To 2-year-old: "Get your sister's dirty panties off your head. Ew."

2-year-old, with Daddy's boot sock on her hand: "Fishing pole!"

To 2-year-old stepping on the trash can pedal, opening and closing it: "Quit playing with the trash can and sit down and eat."

To 2-year-old: "Don't beat Elmo up."

To 4-year-old: Why do you have a tea pot in your bed?"

Friday, November 18, 2011

Please Quit Driving on My Clean Laundry

Me, to 2-year-old: "What do you have in your mouth?"
4-year-old: "I gave her bread crumbs."
Me: "You have your sister bread crumbs? How kind of you..."

To 4-year-old squeezing a bath toy: "Pay attention to where you are squirting!"

To 4-year-old: "Why do you have a boot in a bucket?"

To 4-year-old: "How did you scratch yourself on a pillow?"

Me: "Adia's feet are cute."
4-year-old: "I have big feet."
Me: "And smelly. Of course, hers are smelly, too."
4-year-old: "But mine are smellier!"

To 2-year-old: "Why are you setting your water on top of your waffle? It's not a waffle coaster."

To 4-year-old: "Get your backpack off of your head." (As in, her head was in the backpack).

4-year-old, looking at her little sister's poop in her diaper: "It's shaped like a chicken!"

Changing 2-year-old's diaper:
2-year-old: "I hold my feetsies."
My husband: "Glad we taught her that at the age of two."
Me: "Eh, it'll come in handy eventually."
*Husband glares at me*

To 2-year-old: "Why is the doll house wearing a firefighter hat?"

2-year-old, walking up behind me: "I need that boob."
Me: "What?" *turn around* "That's a bib."

To 2-year-old: "Eat your rice, don't poke it."

To 2-year-old: "Please quit driving on my clean laundry."

Monday, November 14, 2011

You Cannot Wear the Firefighter Hat in the Bathtub

To 4-year-old: "Don't feed your sister, she can feed herself!"

To 2-year-old: "Don't eat the soap, scrub with it!"

My husband: "I still want feetie jammies."
4-year-old: "Like grown-up teenager jammies? That's silly!"
Me: "Mommy and Daddy are not teenagers."
My husband: "Not for a long time..."

Trying to get 4-year-old to stay in bed at night:
"Now, stay in bed!"
"I've been quiet for a while."
"You've been quiet for maybe a minute."

To 2-year-old: "I think you're about ready to start potty training, since you're holding your own feet for me while I change your diaper."

To both girls: "Stop sniffing your feet!"

To 2-year-old: "You cannot wear the firefighter hat in the bathtub!"

To 2-year-old: "Get the bucket off of your foot and quit kicking your sister with it!"

4-year-old: "Adia pulled my hair!"
Me: "Adia, don't pull your sister's hair!"
2-year-old: "I bite it."
Me: "Well, don't bite your sister's hair, either!"

To 2-year-old: "Mousekersizing with a cookie in your hand... seems a bit contradictory."

4-year-old to 2-year-old: "Stop jumping on the couch, ma'am."

To 4-year-old: "Your sister is not a bouncy ball."

To 2-year-old: "Don't pour your apple juice on your chicken nuggets!"

To 4-year-old: "You just got apple pie on my foot!"

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Quit Scratching Your Butt and Sit Down

To 2-year-old: "Nobody wants to eat the french fry you've been nibbling on."

To both girls: "No! No tug-of-war with your blanket on the bed!"

4-year-old: "Ow! I'm a little bit clumsy."
Me: "Yes, yes you are."
My husband: "A little bit?!"

4-year-old: "Who farted?"
2-year-old: "Me!"

To 4-year-old: "My foot is not a phone."

My husband talking to our 2-year-old:
"Daddy, I'm wet!"
"I know you're wet. You're in a bath tub, that's generally what happens."

My husband to our 2-year-old: "Don't smoosh your sister's toys."

To 2-year-old: "Quit scratching your butt and sit down."

To 2-year-old: "Quit 'fishing' with your french fry."

To 2-year-old:
"You're not mousekersizing. You're being lazy."
*Nods while chugging down apple juice.*

To both girls: "Stop bunny-hopping!"

Me to 4-year-old looking at spices while I made cider: "You don't want to put oregano in apple cider."

To 2-year-old, while changing her pull-up:
*Starts to run off*
"Wait! You only have one leg in!"

To 2-year-old: "You can't brush your teeth and eat chicken at the same time."

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Combination of Chocolate, Boogers, and Popcorn

Talking to my 4-year-old:
"It's Adia's hat! She was looking for that for years!"
"Well, she's only been alive for two years, so it couldn't have been too long."

My 4-year-old talking to me about her little sister:
"Adia's gonna grow up big! Big like a balloon and then go POP!"
"She is not going to pop!"

4-year-old: "I ate too much salsa. I'm gonna fart out fire."

To my 2-year-old, who was wrapping my measuring tape around her tiny little finger: "You do not need to measure your finger."

My husband talking about our 2-year-old: "She has a combination of chocolate, boogers, and popcorn on her hands."

Talking to my 2-year-old:
"Eat your apple."
"I roll it."
"It is not a ball, it's an apple. Eat it."
*Continues rolling it* "Whee!"

To 2-year-old: "Sweetie, you can't hold these cups upside down, they spill. Lesson number two of the big girl cup..."

Talking to my 4-year-old, looking out the window:
"Somebody threw an icky chip on our bush."
"There." *points*
"That's a leaf. It's just a leaf that turned brown."

4-year-old: *Marches up to me* "My feet stink." *Sticks her foot in the air at me* "Smell 'em."

To 2-year-old: "You don't move the table to you. You move your chair to the table."

My husband: "Son of a..."
Adia: "Bitch!"
Yeah...we're at the parrot stage. Need to watch our language, lol.

To 4-year-old: "Take your french fry package off your head."

Talking to 2-year-old:
"Go sit down and eat!"
*Walks over to her chair* "Pie!"
"It doesn't matter if you're eating something different, you still have to sit down!"

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why is There a Toilet in My Pillow?

To 2-year-old: "Quit trying to put your dollies in my pants!"

Talking to our 2-year-old during dinner one night:
Me: "Eat your beans."
My husband: "They make you fart!"
*She smiles and pushes*
Me: "That doesn't mean you have to try while you're eating them."

To 4-year-old: "It's not a drumstick, it's a fork." (Ok, I heard that one A LOT as a kid, lol).

To 2-year-old: "Don't grab people's butts.

Talking to 4-year-old:
"Can we go outside and blow my bubbles?"
"No, it's too cold out."
*Looks out the window* "I don't see any cold."
"You can't see cold."
"Oh. Why not?"

Me, when going to bed: "Why is there a toilet in my pillow?"

My husband to our 4-year-old: "Your sleeve is not a booger wiper."

4-year-old, running up to my husband:
"My balloon popped!"
"What happened?"
"I was poking it with this." *pulls out a toy knife*
"Ok, you can't poke a balloon with a KNIFE!"

To my 2-year-old after dinner: "Hang on, come here. You have rice in your nose."

"Get the tutu off your neck."
"But I'm pretending to be a flower!"

2-year-old burps, and starts chewing.
My husband: "Did you burp some up that you're chewing?"
Adia: "Yeah."
My husband: "That's gross."

To my 2-year-old:
"Are you done eating?"
"Then sit down and eat. I'm not going to sit out here all afternoon while you dance around!"

Me, to my 2-year-old holding tongs:
"Put those down before you hurt yourself."
My 4-year-old: "You're gonna snap your eye out!"
"No, she's not! Don't tell her that."

Our 2-year-old looks in the toilet while we are cleaning her poop out of the bathtub.
"I poop in toilet!"
"Just because your poop is in the toilet, doesn't mean that you pooped in the toilet."

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Quit Honking My Boob!

Talking to my 2-year-old:
"How did you get chili on your toe?"
*Looks down and wiggles it.*
"Quit wiggling it and eat the rest of your chili."

To my 4-year-old: "Quit flying."

To 4-year-old, eating dinner: "Don't play with your rib bones!"

To my 4-year-old: "Don't shake my Kahlua!"

To 4-year-old: "You are the only person I've ever met who is ticklish on their face."

To 2-year-old, trying to walk through the house behind her: "You're like being stuck behind an old lady with her blinker on."

To 2-year-old: "Quit honking my boob!"

To my daughters: "Your bowls are not hats, please take them off."

To 2-year-old: "Don't try to talk and swallow at the same time, it doesn't work."

To 2-year-old: "Why do you have two utensils and you're still using your fingers?"

To 2-year-old: "Don't put the Wonder Pets in your butt."

Conversation with my 2-year-old:
"Lana dance?"
"Lana doesn't have dance for a couple of days."
"Oh, why?"
"That's just when it is."
"Just because! Why are you such a pain in the butt?"
"Just 'cause!"

Talking to 4-year-old:
"Go brush your teeth."
"I don't want to. My leg hurts."
"That has nothing to do with your teeth, go brush."

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kitties and Bears Don't Use Tartar Sauce

To 2-year-old: "You have to wash both hands, not just one."

To 2-year-old: "You do not need a spoon for steak and potato chips!"

To 2-year-old: "You don't have to stab your potato can eat those with your hands..."

To 2-year-old, asking me for a toy while I was changing her diaper: "I'll give it back when I'm done with your poop."

To-2-year hold:
"Stop poking my bra."

Talking to 4-year old about dinner:
"I like these fries. They're wrinkle fries."

Talking to my husband about the grocery store not having tartar sauce:
Me: "They must have a hard time selling tartar sauce."
My husband: "Nobody eats fish around here."
4-year-old: "Kitties eat fish! And bears!"
Me: "Well...yes, but they don't use tartar sauce."

To 4-year-old, who was sitting on my pillow: "Pillows are not for butts or feet."

To 2-year-old: "You cannot live on waffles alone."

To 2-year-old: "You can't wear your diaper over your pants."

To 2-year-old: "Stop sucking on my chair... And don't bite it! What is wrong with you?!"

My husband to our 2-year-old: "Your pathetic cries for waffles will go unanswered."

To 2-year-old: "Don't suck on the dolly's foot."

To 2-year-old: "You can't go wash your hands, you have a meatball in your hand!"

Me, to my husband: "Did I take my lunch time pills?"
4-year-old: "I took my lunch time pills."
Me: "You don't  have any lunch time pills."

To 2-year-old: "Quit snorting on my chair!"

Dilana, to my husband: "You have hairy feet, Daddy."
My husband: "Yes, I have hairy feet."
2-year-old, holding up her foot and looking at it: "I want hair feet!"

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Stand Still, I Was Trying to Crack Open Your Head

Talking to 4-year-old:
"What are you drawing?"
"A super potato!"

4-year-old to a fly: "Shoo! Leave my sister alone!"

To 2-year-old: "Quit splashing in your green bean juice and eat them!"

Talking to 4-year-old:
"Stop with the squeaking!"
"But I found a squeaky block!"
"That doesn't mean you have to squeak it!"

To 2-year-old: "It's not a ring, it's an olive."

4-year-old sitting on her princess chair talking to me while I was cleaning:
"You must bow when you speak to me!"
*pffft* "The poop I do!"
"You just bend your neck, like this!"
"I know how to do it, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna!"

To 2-year-old: "Do not smoosh your french fry with your foot!"

To 2-year-old: "I cannot wash a chicken nugget."

Talking to 4-year-old:
"Mommy what's recycling?"
"Well, it's when people take things and break them down to make new paper, or plastic, or whatever it is."
"Or hats!"

To 4-year-old, who was trying to tell me how to put my band-aid on: "I've been using band-aids a lot longer than you have."

2-year-old: "I want drive car."

Overhearing my 4-year-old talking to her little sister:
"Stand still, I was trying to crack open your head."
"What?! No! Do not crack open your sister's head!"
"It was just pretend."

To both of my girls while they were supposed to be brushing their teeth: "Less giggling, more brushing."

To 2-year-old: "You haven't even touched the toothpaste. Stick that in there and brush!"

To 2-year-old: "Your cup is not a football."

2-year-old: "I want pick it."
*I turn around to look at her* "Why are you picking your belly button?" To my husband: "Must you teach our children strange habits?"

Talking to 2-year-old:
"Did you poop?"
*I look in her diaper* "You did too, there's a huge turd in there!"

To 2-year-old: "Quit bouncing your olives!"

To 2-year-old: "Hey! You can't just bust in on people in the bathroom!"

To 2-year-old: "Quit licking my chair!"

To 4-year-old: "Don't tie yourself together, that's not a good idea."

To 2-year-old: "We cannot have chicken nuggets for every meal."

To 2-year-old: "You cannot just take a bite out of a raw onion!"

To 4-year-old: "Don't fart into your bowl!" *a few seconds later* "Don't make your sister sniff the bowl!"

To 2-year-old: "Can we quit talking about farts at the table?"

My husband to our 4-year-old, who was trying to 'fold' her little sister: "Don't grab body parts and fold them!"

To 2-year-old who was watching me take a bath: "Quit splashing! You're not even in the bath tub and you're splashing!"

4-year-old to my husband, while smearing bubbles all over herself in the tub: "I like to wear bubble armor!"

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It Glues Monkeys Together!

To 1-year-old: "Do not put stuff in your mouth that is not food!"
That's one of those things you expect to say as a parent, but still, it seems like an odd thing to say.

To 4-year-old on her day off from school: "Just  because you're home does not mean you need to run around naked."

To 4-year-old: "Your sister is not nocturnal."

Trying to teach 4-year-old to do Wii Fit:
"Walk in place."
*She starts walking*
"Walk IN PLACE, not off the board!"

Talking to my husband, after seeing something sticking out of our 1-year-old's diaper:
Me: "What does she have in her diaper?"
*He pulls out a toy otoscope*
Me: "No! You cannot put things in your diaper!"
My husband: "Well, she doesn't have pockets."

4-year-old talking to my husband. He had stopped telling her what to do on Wii Fit.: "I can't do it without you controlling me!"

4-year-old talking about Gorilla Glue: "It glues monkeys together!"

Me to my 1-year-old: "Why is it every time I turn around you have something you're not supposed to?!"

To 4-year-old: "Do not pull your sister by her diaper."

Talking to my 4-year-old, after her little sister starts crying:
"What did you do to her?!"
"I was...holding her."
"You were not holding her! Why was she crying?!"
*Trying not to giggle* "I knocked her over."

Monday, September 5, 2011

You Can't Just Wipe Anywhere, You Have to Wipe the Butt Hole

My 4-year-old and I were talking about space and my 1-year-old says, "I want space! Now!"
Me too, kid. Me too.

To 1-year-old, trying to get out of putting a diaper on: "You can't go commando when you still poop in your pants."

To 1-year-old: "Don't bounce your peach, eat it!"

Talking to 1-year-old:
"Are you done with your peach? You're to the pit."
"I eat it."
"You cannot eat the pit..."

To 4-year-old: "You can't just wipe anywhere, you have to wipe the butt hole."

"I'm a princess!"
"You're a princess because you're wearing princess panties?"

To 4-year-old: "Pants are not optional."

1-year-old, pointing at a peach: "Butt. Orange."
She gets her sentences backwards, lol. I suppose she's right, though, a peach does kind of look like a butt LOL.

To 4-year-old, while in the tub with her little sister: "Don't make your sister eat the bubbles."

To 1-year-old: "Just because your sister tells you to do something doesn't mean it's a good idea."

Talking to 4-year-old about her little sister:
"Be nice."
"But it's not her birthday."
"Her birthday is not the only day you have to be nice to her!"

4-year-old: "When I grow up, I want to pay the bill when we go someplace."
Me: "That's fine with me!"
My husband: "We'll remember that!"

"Is this Adia's zucchini?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

She Farts a Lot

Me, to 1-year-old: "That was naughty, you're not supposed to color on reading books."
Big sister: "Or you will go to jail!"

To 1-year-old: "Your corn dog sticks are not drum sticks."

To 1-year-old: "Don't hammer your pizza box!" (Toy pizza box, obviously. I didn't just give her a pizza to play with LOL.)

Talking to my 4-year-old about shorts:
"I want mine with those brussel sprout things."
"Brussel sprout things? You mean ruffles...?"
"Yeah, ruffles."

To my FOUR-year-old: "Stop licking the cart."

To 1-year-old: "We can't go faster. It's a shopping cart, not a race car."

1-year-old, holding her leg in the air: "Ow! 'mooch it!"
*I kiss it*
"Thank you!" *runs off*

To 4-year-old: "Stop hitting yourself, please."

4-year-old, talking about the "toilet decoration" she made: "I like my poodle. That's why I pee with it on there."
Me: "O....kay...."

Talking to 1-year-old (who has a horrible shoe obsession:
"You don't need shoes."
"I want shoes!"
"You're in a diaper, you don't need shoes!"
"I want shoes!"
This continued for a while...

To 4-year-old on the toilet: "Quit playing the kazoo in the bathroom!"

4-year-old, talking about her little sister: "She farts a lot."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

To My Beautiful Big Girl, Dilana

I remember the day you were born as if it were yesterday. The day you changed my life and showed me how much love my heart was truly capable of holding.

Your daddy went overseas when you were 11 days old. I was terrified, but I was not alone. You were there with me. I never would have guessed that someone so small could help me through so much, and that such an amazing bond would be possible, despite your young age.

I was terrified of being a first-time mom, and a single mom on top of that. It was hard, but not as hard as I imagined. Somehow I knew, for the most part, what I needed to do. What I didn't, you showed me. When I look back on that year, it was the hardest year of my life, but it may have also been the best.

This past Saturday, at 11:02 in the morning, was exactly four years since I gave birth to you. Then, Monday morning, you started preschool. I am so proud of you, but I can't lie that a little piece of my heart is breaking because you are no longer my tiny little four-pound baby (I still swear that you heard me say that your daddy was coming home, so you decided you had to hurry up and make it out, lol). You have grown into an absolutely beautiful young lady and I love you very much. I am so happy that you are enjoying school so much and I know you are going to learn a ton. You are so smart.

I love you, sweetheart ♥

Brand new!

The first time I held you.

One year old!




First day of preschool!

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quit Eating Hair and I Won't Have to Pull it out of Your Butt Hole

It's been a while... I really need to post more often!

To 1-year-old:
     "Don't play with your pee!"

3-year-old, yelling from the bathroom:
     "Mommy! There's bugs in the tub!"
     "Ok, they're in the tub, they're not going to get you. Finish what you're doing and get out."
     "No, come here!"
     "Fine." (In the bathroom) "Where are these alleged bugs?"
     "I don't know..."

Talking to 3-year-old while she's in the bathroom:
     "What are you doing?"
     "I'm trying to push my poop out. It's hard."
     "Oh, I'm sorry."
     (Excitedly, a few seconds later) "It came out!"

To 1-year-old:
     "Why are you eating a popsicle in the bathroom?"

To 1-year-old:
     "Why are you drinking and dancing?" (It was water...but I didn't think I'd be saying that for a few years, lol).

Changing 1-year-old's diaper:
     "Well, quit eating hair and I won't have to pull it out of your butt hole."

3-year-old, swinging a toy fish around:
     "It's a fishcopter!"

To 3-year-old:
     "No more 'super jumps'"

Talking to 3-year-old while I'm sweeping:
     "Put your feet back, they're in the way."
     "Don't want you to sweep my feet off!"

3-year-old, wrapped up in her white blanket:
     "I'm a roll of TP!"

To 1-year-old:
     "Go back to the living room! I'm trying to put laundry away!"
     *Backs all the way out to the living room*
     "You can turn around, you don't have to back up..."

Changing 1-year-old's pull-up:
     "Why did a quarter fall out of your diaper?"

3-year-old yelling from the bathroom:
     "Help, Mommy! I'm about to fall into the toilet!"
The funniest part? She really was about to fall into the toilet.

To 1-year-old:
     "You cannot wear a nightie to go get your hair cut."

Kids taking a bath:
     (3-year-old) "Don't put it on your nipples, Adia!"
     (Me) "She can do what she wants with it, it's her soap and her nipples."

To 1-year-old:
     "Quit licking your toes!"

To 3-year-old:
     "Take my bra off of your head."

To my husband:
     "You have a monkey in your butt."
You find toys everywhere when you have

1-year-old getting out of the tub:
     "I wet."
     "You were taking a bath!"

My husband changing our 1-year-old's diaper:
     "No farting without a diaper on!"

1-year-old, while I was sitting on the toilet:
     *points* "Mommy panties."
     "Yes, I am wearing my own panties."

To 1-year-old playing with a toy tractor:
     "Why are you driving on yourself?"

To 3-year-old:
     "Why do you have a stick up the hamster's butt?" (It was a toy hamster, in case you were concerned LOL).

Me talking to my 3-year-old who had to pee in the middle of dinner:
     "Don't get pizza on your panties!"

To 3-year-old:
     "Get the pants off of the giraffe's head."

Talking to 1-year-old:
     "Where's your cup?"
     "Where? I don't see it."
     *points the other direction*
     "It's not there, either. Do you KNOW where it is?"
     *shakes head*

     "I left my green noise-maker at Grandma and Grandpa's."
     "I'm sorry. We'll get it next time we're over there."
     "I hope Grandma and Grandpa aren't playing with my noise-maker."

3-year-old, going into the bathroom:
     "I have to go explode, because my tummy is really upset." (Blame her father for that phrase).

My husband to our 1-year-old:
     "Don't scrape me with the toast."

To 1-year-old:
     "Don't eat the bubbles! It's soap, it's not to eat!"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Cannot Marry Your Sister

I was teaching Dilana how to make a heart with her hands, and she made one but flattened her thumbs, and said this:
     "Look! It's a flat heart. It got squished by a robot monkey."

Me, asking my 3-year-old about her little sister:
     "Where's Adia?"
     "It's not Adia, she's my robot Adia copy. I built her with my toy hammer."

1-year-old, showing me what she's playing with:
     "Why are you hammering Ming-Ming's head?!"
     *she goes back to hammering*

 My husband trying to teach our 1-year-old to brush her own teeth:
     "Brush! Good job! Get the backs!"
     *she tries to brush her back*
     "Not your back, the backs of your teeth!"

After investigating a thud I heard in the direction of my 3-year-old:
     "You really fell off the bed trying to take off your own shoe?"

Changing 1-year-old's pull-up:
     "I want dance."
     "Well, you have to put pants on before you dance."
     *turns her naked butt towards me and continues to dance*

     "I'm gonna marry Adia."
     "You cannot marry your sister."

3-year-old looking at our new oscillating fan:
     "I've never seen a swurpty-wurpty swinging fan like that before!"

Talking to 1-year-old:
     "Nobody likes to be sat on when you have poop in your butt."

Talking to my 3-year-old:
     "Take off my bra."

1-year-old, pointing:
     "Boob. Big boob."

To my 3-year-old:
     "No! Don't unzip me!"

Talking to 3-year-old:
     "Mommy, what's a meteor?"
     "Well, it's a rock from space falling to Earth."
     "And then it squished all the dinosaurs!"
     (After laughing pretty heavily, lol) "Well, that was an asteroid, and it didn't squish them."

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm Not Going to Move for the Flyboat!

To 1-year-old:
     "Ice cream is not a finger food."

To 3-year-old:
     "Why are you wearing your panties and your Winter coat?"
Mind you, it is July...

To 1-year-old:
     "Stop eating and dancing! You're going to choke!"

To 1-year-old:
     "Stop dancing and put your pants on!"

Talking to 1-year-old, driving her Wonder Pets Flyboat on my bed:
     "I know it's stuck. That's because I'm in the way."
     *pushes it into me*
     "I'm not going to move for the Flyboat!"

To 3-year-old, playing with her little sister:
     "Stop it."
     "But I'm jiggling her."
     "Don't 'jiggle' her!"
     "But she's really jiggly!"

To 1-year-old, playing with a toy hammer:
     "Please don't hammer your sister."

Talking to my 3-year-old. She had a baby rattle stuck in the bottom of a toy saxophone:
     "Why do you have the rattle in the saxophone?!"

Conversation my husband and I had with our 3-year-old:
     *3-year-old farts*
     Me: "Don't poop another pair of underwear! You're already on your third pair today."
     3-year-old: "Don't say that, Mommy."
     Husband: "It's not Mommy's fault you fart and poop your panties."
     3-year-old: "Stop talking about that!"
Yes! We achieved our first major embarrassment of one of our children!

     "I have a stinky smell in my neck!"

**Side note** I saw this when I was linking The Wonder Pets. It looks incredibly cute!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

You Can't Have Your Rocking Horse in Your Crib!

Talking to 3-year-old:
     "What did you do to your bread?"
     "I put polka dots on it!"
     "The bread does not need decorating. Just eat it!"

Talking to 1-year-old:
     "Stop it! I'm trying to write. The dolly can dance somewhere else."

Talking to my 3-year-old about brushing her teeth:
     "I need to brush my moles."

Talking to 3-year-old, playing with a toy car:
     "I am not a road."
     "You can be a road!"
     "I don't want to be a road. I don't enjoy being driven upon."

My 3-year-old, looking at the window:
     "You shouldn't use glass, it breaks."
     "Well, what should they be made of then?"
     "They'd be kind of hard to see out of."
     "You could take one out."
     *unable to control my giggling at this point*
     "You could put a screen on it."
Good concept, kid.

3-year-old, a few minutes after she went to the bathroom:
     "Who helped me put on my panties?"    
     "You put them on..."
     "But I was just sitting there!"

1-year-old, pointing out of her crib at bedtime:
     "You can't have your rocking horse in your crib!"
     *screaming temper tantrum*

Talking to 3-year-old:
     "I don't know what Adia is going to do when you go to school. She's going to be lonely, she's used to having you to play with."
     "You can play with her."
     "Yeah, I will."
     "Take good care of her, Mommy."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Get Your Butt out of Your Sister's Face and Quit Trying to 'Sting' Her

    "Don't tickle me! It makes me pee."

3-year-old, yelling from the bathroom:
     "Mommy! I pooped out corn!"

3-year-old, combing my hair over my face:
     "You look like a black bush!"

Talking to 1-year-old, who wanted to be in the bathroom with Daddy:
     "Here, sit in the chair and you can watch Daddy shave."
     (3-year-old, on the toilet) "And you can watch me poop, Adia!"
     "No one needs to watch you poop."

1-year-old is snorting snot at me:
     "Stop it. You're not a puppy."
     " A kitty!"
     "Oh, you're a kitty?"

3-year-old, getting dressed before going outside:
     "I don't want to get my belly button sunburned!"

To 3-year-old:
     "Be quiet for a minute! Everything that pops into your head does not need to be spoken."

To 1-year-old:
     "Don't poke the tent with a stick!"

To 3-year-old, "pretending to be a wasp":
     "You're not a wasp. Get your butt out of your sister's face and quit trying to 'sting' her."

To 1-year-old:
     "Don't poke me in the face with a chicken nugget!"

Talking to 3-year-old, after she burps mid-word, while talking to me:
     "Bless you."
     "I didn't burp!"
     "You didn't?"
     "Then what was it?"
     "A sneeze."
     "You can't sneeze mid-word."

To 1-year-old, poking me with a stick:
     "Hey! Watch where you're poking! No poking in the butt."

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Our Holiday Weekend

I hope you all had as much fun this weekend as we did! Here are a few pictures :) [You can click any image to enlarge it].

Watching fireworks Friday night with Great-Grandpa.

These things were awesome!! They went on forever and they burned down to absolutely nothing!

Set this up for them Sunday evening. They had a blast!

Go, Ming-Ming, go! lol

Action shot!

We spent the whole morning and early afternoon outside on the 4th. It was a blast!


Front-yard camping

She said she was going to take a nap in the tent. She never actually did, though.

Can you tell she ate strawberries? LOL

Watching fireworks

Mr. Pyro

We went to our city's fireworks show after we were done with ours, but I didn't take any pictures because my phone died :(

I hope you all had a fantastic Independence Day weekend!!

Signature tag by Geeky Graphx.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Sister Knows How to Poop Outside

Some older stuff that I pulled off the old website :) My kids were a little less than a year younger than they are now.

Pretty much all of these are my 3-year-old, since my 1-year-old couldn't talk at the time. I will note if they are otherwise!

Looking in the toilet, after pooping:
     "There's my turd!"

Me, to 3-year-old:
     "Leave your nipples alone!"

Pretending to do magic:
     "Abra-dabra, Adia into a duck. And you into a dog."

"I know how to poop in the potty, and Adia knows how to poop outside."

To little sister:
     "Go away. Shoo, shoo."

"Daddy, you're sure big."

Me, to 3-year-old:
     "Hold on! You can't ride your trikey down the stairs!"
     "Why not?"

3-year-old, batteries were dead in her toy computer:
     "Abra-dabra, hocus pocus, make this 'puter back to normal." *waits a minute* "The magic not working, Mommy."

Conversation with 3-year-old:
     "Put your toilet paper in the toilet."
     "It's too heavy."
     "Your toilet paper is not heavy."
     "...our house is heavy."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You Have a Big Butt!

Talking to my 3-year-old:
     "I have to go do laundry."
     "And dishes."
     "Yes, I'll do dishes later."
     "But you always do dishes first."
Apparently, I'm not allowed to change my routine.

Talking to my 3-year-old about her 'big sister' t-shirt:
     "That's you. The purple monkey is the big sister."
     "But I'm not a monkey."
     "You're not?"
     "No, it's just a picture of a monkey."

Talking to 3-year-old:
     "Adia has a little butt."
     "Yeah. You have a big butt!"
     "Thank you!"
     "And a big tummy...and Daddy has a big tummy and a big butt."

Talking to 3-year-old:
     "Mommy, when was I a baby?"
     "A couple of years ago."
     "I was so cute!"
     *gigglesnort* "Yes, yes you were."
     "And I'm still so cute!"
     "Yes, yes you are..."

Talking to 1-year-old, after she gave me a kiss:
     "Biting is not part of smooching."

3-year-old, learning Karate:
     "I'm doing the head kick!" *trying to kick herself in the head*
     "No, you don't kick yourself!"

     "My tummy hurts."
     "You probably ate too much."
     *shoving bread in her mouth* "That's not the problem!"

Signature tag created by this chick :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Was Just Owned by My Kid

Dilana [3-year-old] asked me why my wind chime was inside, and I told her because it was really windy a couple of days ago and I didn't want it to get broken. "But Mommy, it's called a WIND chime." *facepalm* 

You can find the awesome chick who designed my signature tag here :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Don't Enjoy Being an Oven

3-year-old, sniffing me:
     "You smell like poop."

Talking to my husband about pregnancy:
     "The end result is cute, however, I'm not a fan of the process. I don't enjoy being an oven."

3-year-old, after spilling strawberry glaze on her leg:
     "I have a pink...what are those picture things all over you?"
     "Huh? Tattoos?"
     "Yeah! I have a pink tattoo!"

3-year-old, yelling from the bathroom:
     "Mommy! Come wipe my butt!"
     "You wipe it!"
     "I don't want to. It stinks!"

3-year-old, looking out the window:
     "Daddy! You left the gate open. Now puppies can poop in our yard."

My husband, to our 1-year-old, who was dancing and running around smacking people with her pants that she took off:
     "Adia! Quit running around smacking people!"

3-year-old, sticking TP between her butt cheeks while wiping:
     "Look! Now I have a rabbit tail!"
     "Take it out and finish wiping your butt!"
     *She shakes her "tail" at me*

Conversation between my husband and our 3-year-old:
     (Running naked to the bathroom) "I have a poop stain in my panties!"
     "Well, where are they?! Don't just leave poopy panties laying around the living room!"    


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goodbye, My Furbabies

Disclaimer: May cause tears.

I haven't been writing lately because I just haven't had the inspiration. I've been going through a rough time. [I have, however, been designing like crazy to keep my mind occupied. You can check them out here, if you would like].

The reason for this may seem silly to some, but to anyone who has ever had a pet, my sadness is completely rational. 

Monday, I said goodbye to the last of my sweet puppies I had growing up. I had three, Patch [a Boston Terrier], Corky, and Mickie [both Pugs]. 

Corky died in March of 2006 to cancer. We had to have her put to sleep, she was suffering badly. I was there for it, it is something I will never forget. Watching the life leave a sweet, faithful friend I had grown up with since I was a child. 

I was in the Army from July 2003 - February 2006. I moved back home with my parents until my husband [fiance at the time] completed the military training class he was in. I was very glad I did. I'm glad that I got to spend time with and be there for Corky before she died, even if it was only a month. We both needed that time.

Patch died on December 20, 2006 to complications during surgery. He was blind, and got a scratch or something on his eye, which became severely infected. The day he died was my mom's birthday. Patch was "her" dog. Her birthday is still a hard day for her. 

Again, I had moved away, but moved back in November 2006. I only had a month with Patch, as well, before he died, but I was grateful for that time.

Little Mickie was put to sleep Monday afternoon. She had a slipped disc in her spine and has had trouble walking for quite a while now. Over the weekend, she lost complete control of her back end and could no longer walk. Shortly after, she lost all bladder function. She could no longer pee. In other words, if she was not put to sleep, her bladder would explode. I couldn't be there this time. My girls and I went over to my parents' house right beforehand and said goodbye to her. The girls did not know what was going to happen, I just reminded them that Mickie was very old and very sick, and that they should probably spend some extra time with her and give her extra love because she probably would not be around much longer. Dilana understood, we had talked about this before because of Mickie's age and health problems. I spent extra time playing with her, and cuddling her. Their vet was nice enough to come to the house to do it, so we were there right up until the end. When the vet got there, I had the girls give her hugs and kisses and get in the car. I held her, kissed her, and told her how much I loved her. Then we left. Part of me didn't want to leave, but the other part knew that I couldn't be there. I still remember the entire time we were at the vet's office with Corky as if I was there right now. I couldn't have another memory like that. 

I didn't tell my girls until the next morning. My mom and I decided that she would call me early in the morning and tell me that Mickie died in the night, and that is what I would tell the girls. Adia is only 20 months old so, obviously, she doesn't understand. We haven't been to my parents' since, but the next time we are there, she will notice. Mickie was her little buddy. Dilana understood though. I mean, she's only 3 [almost 4!] so she doesn't 100% understand death, but she understands that Mickie is gone and she won't be able to see her anymore. She asked tons of questions throughout the day after I told her. She didn't seem all that sad, though. However, that night when I was putting her to bed, it must have all caught up with her. I was tucking her in, and she told me that she wished she could see Mickie and started crying. It broke my heart. I stayed in there and hugged her and talked to her for a while. I made sure she knew that Mickie loved her and Adia very much, and she would always have her memory in her heart. I don't know what hurts worse, my pain for losing them, or seeing my child in so much pain. I hate to see my babies hurt. I wish I could take it away, but I can't.

I miss them very much. I am an only child, so they were my babies. I feel like a part of me has died. The faithful friends I spent my childhood with are gone. All of them. But then, I look at my girls, and I realize that, although my childhood loves may be gone, my girls are my future. I wish that Patch and Corky could have met them. I know they would have loved the girls, and the girls would have loved them. I'm grateful that my girls and Mickie got to know each other, at least. Mickie got to see that her little girl had grown up, and started a family of her own. 

Now that I have tears in my eyes, I am going to conclude this. This is why I have not been keeping up with my blog. I just haven't been in the mood to write. I struggle with depression as it is, so this has been a very tough time for me. If you have made it this far, thank you for reading. I appreciate you taking the time to let me share my feelings with you.

My mom is working on finding me a picture of the three of them together since, apparently, I do not have one, and I am going to make a nice edit of it. But, for now, here are a few pictures of them.

My Corky


Mickie and I, just before she died.

My girls, Mickie, and I.

Click to enlarge.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lady Bugs Love Beans and Macaroni

Gah! I'm finally posting! 

"Don't sit on your sister's head."

Holding tissue to 3-year-old's nose:
     "Wrong end."

To 3-year-old, struggling to take off her shirt:
     "Please, don't hurt yourself."

3-year-old, kicking 1-year-old in the butt:
     "Quit kicking her in the butt."
     *One-year-old giggling*
     "But she loves it. She loves to be kicked in the butt!"

3-year-old, talking to my husband about his karate gi:
     "It's very elegant."

My dad, to my 1-year-old:
     "Don't squeeze the watermelon!"

Me, to 1-year-old:
     "Don't eat the TP!"

3-year-old, about 1-year-old sister:
     "She's pushing me!"
     "Well, don't sit on her!" 

Cleaning up 1-year-old after eating:
     "No! Don't rub the pudding from that hand to the clean hand!"

Conversation with 3-year-old:
     "Mommy, I really want to go to Chinese."
     "We had Chinese last night, we're not having it again tonight."
     "No, not the Chinese restaurant, the country Chinese."
     "Oh! Well, it's called China."
     "I would like to go, too, but it is really, really far away."

     "No, you do not need ketchup. You have nothing that requires ketchup." [She was eating pizza and pudding]

3-year-old, yelling from the bathroom:
     "Mommy! I pooped out corn!"
     "Ok. You don't need to tell me about it, just wipe."

     "Why does it stink in here?"
     "I don't know. Maybe it's you."
     "No, it's not. It stinks like daddies."

     "I saw a lady bug in the window but it flew away. I scared it trying to feed it macaroni."
     "You were trying to feed it macaroni?"
     "Yes. They love beans and macaroni."

3-year-old, walking on my husband's back:
     "You're jiggly, Daddy!"