Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random Quotes 4/17/2011

More things we never thought would come out of our mouths taken from the website. I'm trying to eventually get them all on here.

(My husband, talking about our baby with reflux): "Bibs are no longer worth it. We just need to start putting a rain coat on her!"
(My husband, while feeding the baby): "Ah! Freakin' baby food in the eye!"

More quotes said to our children:

"She's not a toy, she's your sister."
(Talking to the baby): "You're starting to get real people hair, not some crazy comb-over!"
"How did you fall off the toilet??"
(Cleaning up after dinner): "I'm not the one who got barbecue sauce on my boob, hold still."
"Leave your nipples alone!"
(My husband, to our daughter, while helping me with laundry): "I'm gonna tell your boyfriends I used to hang your skid-marked panties out to dry."
"Don't flash people."
"You're not a parrot, get off of your mommy's shoulder."
"You can't get into the bathtub with your underwear on!"
"How did you get ice cream on the back of your shirt?!"
"Get back in the cart and quit poking the cat food!"
"Don't play with your food with your toes!"
(To baby): "Well, I'm sorry. If you didn't have so many chins, I wouldn't have to scrub under there."
"Yes, I know the fishy is cute. Now put your panties on."
"No! Don't make your sister into a 'present'!"
"Get your toes out of my mouth!"
(My husband, feeding the baby): "Please don't make a mess." (Baby pukes all over him).
"Don't run over your sister!"
"Butter is not a dip."
"You don't need more butter than there is bread."
"Don't build a tower with baby food."
"Please don't gag yourself with the spoon."

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